I am currently accepting review requests.
I read:
â—‹ Mystery/Thriller
â—‹ Horror
â—‹ Romance
â—‹ Young Adult
â—‹ Occult & Paranormal
I don’t/rarely read:
â—‹ Sci-Fi
â—‹ Non-Fiction
â—‹ Westerns
Rating System
★★★★★ – Absolutely amazing!
★★★★☆ – I loved it
★★★☆☆ – It was alright
★★☆☆☆ – Meh
★☆☆☆☆ – Didn’t like it
If I accept a book for review, I will aim to share my review within 2 weeks of receiving it. I promise I will always finish and review your book, even if I do not enjoy it. I will always be honest in my reviews. Not only will I post a review on my blog, but I will also share the review on my Goodreads, Twitter, Amazon and Instagram accounts.
I accept print and Kindle copies of books. I live in the US, so please take this into consideration before contacting me.
All reviews will include the disclaimer of free copy provided in exchange for review, as per FTC guidelines.