The Last Mrs. Parrish; Foreign Influence; Evidence of the Affair; My Real Life Time-Out; A Duke Will Never Do; My Wedding Date; Looking Glass Friends; High Hopes; Flamingo
It has been a fantastic month of reading.
I’ve read eight books this month, which means I am sort of on track to reading 100 books this year. I think I have decided that between eight and ten books a month is about right for me – anymore than that, and I would feel way too much pressure! Also, I am so happy to say that I have gotten my reading mojo back.
During the last two months of this quarantine I had been unable to read a few sentences out of any book. After getting inspired to write my thoughts and feelings after reading books is when I noticed I could finally get my concentration back, and finally follow my book blogging dreams. I can feel my neural pathways being brought back to life, allowing me to tackle more books than I have been able to read for a long time.
As some of you may have gathered, I’ve been staying home during this quarantine with my daughters, happily working from home for the first time in ten years. I am able to be there to make them breakfast, lunch and dinner, and spend more time being with them, instead of commuting back and forth to my work office. I can finally say I am a happy working-from-home mom who loves to read a good book.
I also want to thank those authors who have taken a liking to me, sent me their ARCs to read and review, and know that I am doing them justice with my most fervent passion in reading.
Books have always saved me, and they are doing it yet again!!
#MayReading #MayWrapUp #2020Books #bookbloggers #bookreviews #lockdownreading #books #readingrecommendations #bookblog #goodbooks #novels #fiction #essays #thriller #literaryfiction #comingofage
It's so wonderful that writing your thoughts down helped you to get back into reading regularly. Great list of books!
Love this ❤️